How to Relieve Headaches with Pressure Points

The LI-4 pressure point, also called Hegu, is located between the base of the thumb and the index finger. Stimulating this pressure point can provide relief from pain and headaches. To find the LI-4 pressure point, place the thumb in the space between the base of the thumb and the index finger (see Figure). Acupressure and acupuncture are two methods of stimulating this point.

Activate these points by applying firm pressure with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Alternatively, interlock your fingers behind your head and press your thumbs into the hollow spaces at the base of the skull. Although there is limited research on using pressure points to treat headaches, some studies have shown that massage therapy on the head and shoulders can provide relief. This sometimes involves stimulating pressure points on the head.

Reflexology is a non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical way to treat headaches, making it a safe option. However, it should be used as a complementary treatment and professional medical help should be sought if headaches are recurrent or very severe. Pressure points used to relieve migraine include those on the ears, hands, feet, and other areas such as the face and neck. The spot between the big toe and second toe on top of the foot can help relieve headaches when pressure is applied.

Practitioners of reflexology believe that touching pressure points in a certain way can improve their health, relieve pain and restore balance in the body. Located behind the head, this pressure point can specifically help treat headaches that originate in the back of the neck and head. Extra pressure points on the face, neck, and shoulders can also relieve headache and other pain. Ischemic compression involves applying constant pressure to myofascial trigger points to reduce sensitivity in these areas gradually.

Union Valley, also called the LI4 or Hegu pressure point, is located between the base of the thumb and the index finger of each hand. Applying a firm touch to this pressure point can help relieve stiffness in the neck and shoulders, relieve neck pain and prevent headaches caused by this type of sensation. The adipose tissue between the thumb and index finger is where you will find Union Valley pressure point. Natural approaches such as pressure points for headaches can help relieve symptoms while you wait for medications to take effect.

When trying to figure out how to get rid of a headache, pressure points provide a variety of methods to relieve it. The pressure points of the gates of consciousness are located at the base of the skull in parallel hollow areas between two vertical muscles of the neck. Another place that is good for both sinus congestion and headaches is easy to remember - it's called 'the welcome fragrance'. Once your fingers are resting on your cheekbones, maintain pressure or gently massage for extra relief.

Neck pressure points are located at the back of your neck halfway between your ear and shoulders. Severe migraines should be evaluated in a migraine clinic with a headache specialist before attempting acupressure.

Debora Lehneis
Debora Lehneis

Award-winning food advocate. Subtly charming bacon practitioner. Alcohol enthusiast. Proud travel aficionado. Incurable twitter scholar.

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